After a week or so, the cockroaches and I reached an agreement: they controlled the kingdom (as it were) of the shower in the evenings, and I was allowed access to the sink without problem. During the day, especially in the mornings between 6 and 10AM, I had full and uninterrupted access to the shower. Also, and this was an important clause which I discussed with them at length, under no circumstances were they to cross the boundaries and invade the room with the toilet.
Now, I admit I violated our agreement once and showered after dark. By way of a reminder, my cockroach friends (I had decided we were friends -- this made our agreement, and their existence, much easier to cope with) climbed out of the drain as I shampooed my hair, and crawled over my toes. Needless to say, I never made that mistake again.
However, this evening marked the third time they violated the second clause of our agreement. The first time I found two cockroaches crawling around the toilet hole at 3AM when I desperately needed to relieve my bladder. A long and uncomfortable standoff ensued, in which one roach crawled into the hole (at which point I must have poured over two gallons of water down the hole) and the other left the room after much coaxing. The second time I didn't notice until too late that someone creepy, crawly, and cockroach-y was sitting on the wall next to the spigot, wiggling his (or her) antennae, as though aware of his blatant violation of our agreement. Needless to say, I was incensed, but, after some hearty chastisement, I decided to give my friends another chance.
So we come to this evening, around 9PM. I take a brief break from writing a paper to use the facilities, if you will. Upon opening door number one, to my chagrin, I find two of my (former) friends scurrying around, willy-nilly, as though they had completely forgotten our arrangement. I was incensed. Now, on the first day with my host family, my host mother handed me a large green spray can with frightening pictures of insects all over it, with the order to use it whenever I saw an "insecte" in the house. You can guess what happened next. Though I felt a twinge of remorse slaughtering my friends of the last nearly three months, it was necessary to follow through on the terms of our agreement. I couldn't just let them crawl all over me (literally); I need to make a statement, especially because I have just seen a mouse crawl out from underneath my backpack. The vermin of Chez Ndoye must be made aware of my authority.
So ends an unlikely roach-human friendship.
Additionally, my apologies for the significant lack of posts during March. Its been a busy month, but be assured I have vowed to fully update, especially when my new computer charger arrives in the next few days, inshallah. :)